Brashears & Newendorp Insurance

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5 Tips for Returning Home After Mandatory Evacuation

When a storm, fire, earthquake or other disaster hits, you need to be prepared to flee your home. A mandatory evacuation could crop up when you least expect it, but that does not mean you shouldn’t be ready. Even after a disaster has ended, you want to be extra careful before returning home after mandatory evacuation. Take the necessary precautions and also rely on your insurance provider for coverage.

Returning Home after Mandatory Evacuation With Supplies

Just as you had an evacuation kit prepared for when you had to leave your home, you want to return with something similar. You do not know the situation that you are returning to, whether you will have access to food, needed medical supplies, etc. Make sure you are returning home after mandatory evacuation with the supplies you need.

Check for Alerts

Be sure that the mandatory evacuation has come to an end. Do your due diligence to check the alerts to see if the time has passed and it has been determining it is safe to return home. Only head back to the residence after the mandatory evacuation all clear is announced. Going back prior to the announcement exposes you and your family to unnecessary risk.

Have Copies of Important Papers

Be sure that you have copies of important papers with you. This will include things such as your license, birth certificates, as well as other forms of identification you may need. Having these essential papers with you will help you identify yourself if need be, and also gain access to necessary help along the way.

Contact Your Insurance Agent

Be in contact with your insurance agent. Even if your residence didn’t sustain damage, you want to be sure that you are ready to file a claim for your evacuation expenses, if they were substantial (remember you have a deductible). Work with the team at Brashears Insurance to be sure of the coverages that you have and also claims filing process you need to take is well understood.

Clean Up Early

Be ready to clean up early, as soon as you get back to your residence. Clean the yard, start to get everything back to restore the residence as quickly as possible. Time is of the essence, and it is important to do your part when returning home after mandatory evacuation.A mandatory evacuation can be a scary thing, but as long as you're prepared, things will go more smoothly. Just as you had to do prep before you left the residence, you also have to be prepared for when you return. Work with Brashears Insurance to understand the claims filing process and even get yourself ready to start doing your part to put your home and life back together. Call us today to learn more about your insurance needs and how to best use the policy.