5 Reasons to Consider Fire Insurance During the Holidays

The holidays are upon us. Before the year is through, there is so much to do, such as decorate the house, buy a Christmas tree, get a gift for every family member and friend, cook some elaborate meals ... and perhaps consider adding fire insurance to your homeowner's insurance policy.With so many sources of electricity and open flame used around Christmastime, it’s the ideal time to make sure you have adequate fire insurance. Sure, you never think a house fire could happen to you…until it does.Still need some convincing? Here are five hazardous areas associated with the holidays that could spark a fire:

1. Dry Christmas Trees

This is perhaps one of the biggest fire dangers around the holidays. If you buy a live Christmas tree, you’re supposed to water it every few days. Sure, it’s easy to do that at the start of the holiday season, but once you’re overcome by all the hustle and bustle, you might forget for a day or two. Then, one night when you turn on the tree, the whole thing goes up in flames, taking parts of your house with it.

2. Outdoor Lights

If you’re the type who gets especially festive this time of year, you may wrap every available outdoor surface with rows upon rows of shining, twinkling Christmas lights. All those lights can be a fire hazard, though, especially if you leave them on too long. Not to mention the possibility of overloading your circuit breaker.

3. Fire Insurance and California Droughts

Living in California is delightful, but you certainly won’t have a white Christmas. The state is sometimes prone to drought conditions for weeks on end. In that dry weather, it takes very little for a house fire to occur accidentally, especially if a house is decorated with holiday lights.

4. Unattended Lit Candles

Candles come out en masse around the holidays. You might burn a few as you have company over, enjoying the evocative scents. Yet if you get too busy wrapping presents or cooking the ham, you could forget these candles are even there. If someone accidentally tips one over, or even if a candle is left lit for too long, it could easily start a fire.

5. Cooking Disasters

Last but certainly not least are the hazards in the kitchen. When you’re preparing a holiday meal, you’re often cooking several things at once. Unless you’re a master at multitasking, you could lose focus and end up charring a dish. You could also torch the ham in the oven, which again, could cause a fire.No matter what your motives are, fire insurance is important all year round, not just around the holidays. Give us a call today to see if you and your assets are adequately insured. And, while you’re looking into fire insurance, how about examining your other policies? We also provide business insurance (for errors and omissions, business property, and more) auto insurance, worker’s compensation, and homeowner’s insurance, including earthquake and flood insurance.Contact one of our agents today to learn more about our fire insurance or sign up for a policy.


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