6 Tricks to Save Money on Homeowners Insurance

A comprehensive homeowner’s insurance policy is designed to take care of damages to your property or cover the cost of injuries sustained on your property in the event of an accident. This policy is vital in protecting the insured against loss of property or house when damages occur. The homeowner’s insurance policy has exceptions for floods and earthquakes. If you want to secure your home against earthquakes and floods, you need to take a separate policy.Having a home insurance policy is smart, but it’s also required if your home is financed. At Brashears Insurance, we want to make sure our clients get the best coverage at the best price, and it doesn’t have to break the bank.Here are 6 tricks you can use to save money on your homeowner’s insurance policy.

Bundle Your Other Policies with the Same Carrier

Buying your homeowners insurance, auto insurance or umbrella policy with one carrier has its benefits. Insurance companies offer ‘discounted prices’ through a combined premium on your policies. Bundling your insurance policies together can save you anywhere from five to 15 percent on your annual premiums.

Increase the Size of Your Deductibles

To reduce your monthly expenses, lowering your premiums is a basic move. Insurance companies set the level of premiums based on two things: the value of the property covered and the risk associated with that coverage. Raising your deductibles lowers the size of your monthly premiums. This is because you ease the compensatory burden. Contact us to learn more about deductible caps for unique accident-prone areas.

Make Your Home More Disaster Resistant

The higher the risk of rebuilding a home the higher your premiums will be. It is important to note that an insurance company will offer lower premiums if there is less likelihood of risk occurrence. You need to prove that you do not entirely depend on the insurance policy to rebuild your home. Contact our agents to learn how you can make renovations to your roof, heating, drainage and electric fittings to make your home more insurable.

Do Not Include the Price of Your Land in Your Policy

There’s no need to insure your home for its full market value. This is because, in the event of catastrophic damage, the likelihood of your land, which holds significant value on its own, remaining intact is high. You only need to insure your home for the amount of money it would cost to rebuild. Anything more will result in higher premiums.

Shop Insurance Providers

If you’ve been with the same insurance carrier for years, there’s a good chance you’re paying too much. At Brashears Insurance, we can shop your policy with multiple carriers to ensure you’re getting the best coverage for the price and the best policy to meet your individual needs. As a broker, we advise you buy from a company that values quality service delivery and reasonable pricing.

Save Money on Homeowners Insurance: Review Your Policy

It’s important to review your insurance policies on a regular basis. As your life circumstances change, so should your insurance coverage. For example, if you live in a fire-prone area but have recently fireproofed your home and surrounding area, you could be entitled to a discount on your insurance.If you need an insurance partner who is considerate in pricing, contact Brashears Insurance.


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