5 Cutting Edge Ways to Improve Cyber Security

Right now, businesses are scrambling to improve cyber security. With the number and types of threats growing on an almost daily basis, we are in the middle of an arms race between tech security professionals and hackers. Increasingly, as the threat grows ever more persistent, insurance companies are rapidly becoming the mainline defense against these attacks.In time, the protection provided to businesses via insurance may enable more people to refuse to respond to extortion attacks, denials of service, and other such criminal cyber security invasions.Until then, here are five important ways you can reduce your vulnerability and improve cyber security.

Let browsers force https

The most common browsers like Chrome and Firefox have a force https feature. This prevents you from accidentally navigating to a site with inadequate cyber security protocols. Today, most reputable sites have HTTP credentials. The idea, mainly, is to prevent people from using auto-fill in security forms. Without forcing https, auto-fill fields can be tapped with invisible pixels that capture what is entered.

Update your asset lists monthly

In today's tech-driven business world, there are many changes in asset lists as companies continually upgrade and update their machines and services. We understand it’s a race to stay faster and more nimble than the competition. But you have got to update asset lists on a monthly basis and keep your insurance provider in the know on what you have and what you no longer have.

Delete expired browser certificates

This can seem like a waste of time, but take our word, it isn’t. Getting rid of expired browser certificates will let users get those important warning messages when they try to navigate to an area for which the certificate has expired. Keeping the old certificates makes it possible to waltz right into danger without knowing it.

Ban t.co, bit.ly, and other URL shorteners

When you use URL shorteners, users have no clue where the shortened link is going. It could lead to something nasty that will earn you a nice denial of service attack or Trojan virus.

Want to improve cyber security? Read the logs!

Yes, it’s a hassle, and yes, you really need to read those logs. Many Syslog amalgamation services read standard Syslog and Microsoft files. Filter them. Read them, and take action based on what you see in them. Those logs are there for a very good reason.As more and more people turn to cyber liability insurance providers, maintaining cyber security becomes about keeping premiums low. The best way to improve cyber security is to follow these and other important security tips.To learn more about how cyber liability insurance can help to protect your mission-critical tech capital, call Brashears Insurance today.


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